After a month of presumed indulgence & idleness it's safe to assume that our body's best interests may have taken the back seat. At least that's the theme reverberating around the walls here at Murdock HQ. With all this accepted, encouraged & understood, we've created a simple step-by-step guide; Reset Your Skin, Murdock's no fuss Face & Body guide. All you'll need to get yourself feeling and looking as fresh as the new page we've turned as we stride into 2023.
Step 1 - A clean slate. Face, body & mind (probably).
This is where it all begins, melt the January Blues away. There's plenty of Body washes for us to chose from, why should you choose Murdock over something else?
Perhaps the one famously named after a continent beginning with A that isn't Australia, Asia, America (South or North) or Antarctica? A fair question with a simple answer. Ingredients.
Our Black Tea Body wash is clean label certified, essentially meaning harsh, sulphate based ingredients are simply not included. It's formulated meticulously to create a product that will provide both your body and face with everything it needs (and more!) and absolutely nothing that will cause irritation. The result is clean, nourished skin that hasn't been stripped of it's natural oils due to harsh, cheap ingredients. Shop here.

Step 2 - Scrub.
For many of us this is an alien concept, but we must remember, change is positive if the outcome is an improvement. Can you recall football before Guardiola? Case closed. Scrubbing your face twice a week will remove dead skin cells, dirt, excess oil and prevent ingrown hairs. It's common to find harmful plastics in scrubs, it's safe to say that's not the case with ours, our exfoliating agents are all natural, specifically pumice & Jojoba beads. Shop here.
Step 3 - Hydrate & Rejuvenate.
The key word when it comes to moisturising, is hydration. We see it & hear it from every expert, whether it's your nutritionist, your trainer or that charming social media personality who's every word we rightly or wrongly hang onto. Your body requires hydration, it's essential. Well your skin needs it too. So our Facial Moisturiser contains the best possible ingredients to assure your skin gets the hydration it needs. We could've stopped there, but we didn't. The addition of Creatine will boost your collagen production, which in Layman's terms means your skin will feel smoother, firmer and appear *whispers* younger, fresher, and yes, hydrated. Shop here.

Step 4 - Smell good, feel good.
Okay, final step. (We did say it was simple!). We've reached the final destination on our metaphorical journey to skintopia. Regrettably we're going to repeat ourselves, why Murdock Deodorant? Why not perhaps the one that rhymes with Pure? Well, we're sorry to let you down, but it's all about that key word again, 'ingredients'. Our deodorant is a 'clean' product, made to combat a naturally occurring human reaction. When we say it like that it makes sense, right? Combat odour without the harsh, irritating ingredients found in common aerosols but with an easy glide product, lightly scented with one of the finest fragrances in London. Shop here.

In today's world, we rightly care deeply about what we put into our bodies, we should provide equal kindness and thought into what we put onto our bodies too. The results, we promise you, will be astounding. Stay Handsome.
Team Murdock.