Keep Handsome At Home

Keep Handsome At Home

As the days at home pass by under current circumstances, it's important to try and check in with yourself every now and then. Take a few moments to switch off the news, your work emails and enjoy a well-executed wet shave or thorough wash of the beard. Concentrated acts of grooming can do you the world of good and help clear the mind. (You'll also be at your sharpest to face any influx of video calls). With this in mind, our barbers have been taking over our social channels while they remain at home to present 'Quarantine Cuts', a series of DIY grooming tutorials to help you breeze through any personal upkeep that may be required or desired while self-isolating. We hope that a grooming boost at home can at the very least help you de-stress if, like many, you’re currently feeling a little bit stuck. To help you stay regret-free with any at-home grooming, Head Barber Sam Hickey has outlined some handy do's and do not's to bear in mind...

DIY Grooming Do's

Do allow your hair to repair and ‘relax’. You needn’t overly style your hair with product every single day, especially as most of us aren’t going to be client/customer facing. Start with a good shampoo and condition to strengthen and then try embracing a more natural flow for a bit. A light spritz of quality Sea Salt Spray will go a long way to ensure any volume doesn't fall flat.

Do take the time to condition your hair. Men commonly forget to condition their hair as part of their grooming regime and now you have no excuses! You only need to condition twice a week maximum so during your next shower add a little conditioner (about a 10p size) into your palm, massage into your scalp, leave in for a few moments and wash out for an immediate boost of strengthening and nourishment to your hair.

Do trim loose hairs if necessary. It’s generally safe to self-cut a one-grade style, or take off any loose ends, trim up sideburns, and tidy necklines with trimmers. Ambitiously trying to cut anything more however may cause more problems than it solves. It's best to avoid any haircut faux-pas and an unwanted, uneven wild style that’s going to annoy you even more than just letting it grow.

Do try different hair styling products. We all have our favourite go-to’s, but now a lot of us have a bit more time to start experimenting with our hair. Try swapping that Mud for a Paste and get creative with a new texture and finish. Do read up on new products that can potentially benefit and upgrade your existing grooming regime. Paraben and sulphate free formulas for example will only benefit the health of your hair, scalp and face. Do wait to visit your barber again for a proper haircut/beard trim. Every barber will be so appreciative of their clients returning to the barbershop as soon as safely possible. We are all eagerly waiting to catch up with you about our experiences and see what you got up to during the lockdown.

DIY Grooming Do Not's

Do not message your barber for a quick home haircut. Everyone is being extremely responsible at the moment and I can guarantee that 99.9% of barbers won’t be leaving the house to do a haircut, however much we all love our job.

Do not grab any old cutting equipment and assume you’ll get by cutting your own hair. I’ve had clients message me asking if they can tidy up their hair with a standard pair of kitchen scissors. I’ve also had someone try and use garden shears as “they’re sharper”! We can all stand in front of a bathroom mirror and convince ourselves that a haircut Vidal Sassoon would’ve been proud of can be achieved. However, it’s more than likely that you will end up taking off too much, too soon and too unevenly with the wrong tools. Light trims and tidy-ups are advisable using the right gear, but try not to go too far.

Do not shave it all off already. It’s only been a few weeks. We have all likely considered at some point what we would look like with a shaven head - and quite possible imagined ourselves looking as strong as David Beckham or Wentworth Miller in Prison Break. Through personal experience however, I ended up looking like a kiwi fruit. Please don’t just grab a pair of clippers and hope for the best for the sake of it.

Don't forget, if you have any grooming questions or concerns while we all do our best to self-isolate and adjust to new work/life routines at home, our barbers are just a message away across our social channels. You can also access so much great wellbeing advice from the CALM website. Their brilliant trained team are also available to speak to from 5pm to midnight every day. #HandsomeAtHome
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