Salted or sweet? Neat or on the rocks? With or without an overpriced dollop of guacamole? - Not many everyday dilemmas compare to the arrival of summer for a bearded gentleman. Do you let it all grow out, do you look to maintain it, or do you just shave the whole damn thing off?
Argument For: Keep The Beard

"Beards are for life, not just for winter. With Beard Moisturiser you can cool the itchiness from the summer heat. So no problem!"
- Alex Glover, Master Barber
Best Tip: Go Shorter
At this point in the year there is the perfect opportunity to break away from a lengthy, overbearing beard and instead sport a shorter, sharper look. Shorter beards can make handling the consistency of holiday heat that little bit easier and also playing sport under the sun much more bearable. Nobody wants to be able to claim the ability of retaining sweat directly around their mouth.
Taking inspiration from the 60s and 70s, perhaps a revived take on mutton chops could be a possibility this year, lifting the beard shorter or even completely from the front but keeping it heavier on the sides. Instead, the sheer simplicity of a grade 4 all over could be just the ticket ahead of foreign travels to keep as comfortable yet still healthily bearded as possible.
Whatever your facial hair preference may be, our barbers are available as ever to help keep you as appropriately groomed for summer as possible.
The key product for the job:
As touched upon by our Master Barber
Alex, Beard Moisturiser will soon become your saviour if you do indeed choose to keep your beard in summer. No more dry, itchy afternoons in the sun caused by the sheer amount of dust and dirt that you accumulate. Our GQ Award-winning formula will ensure your beard stays protected and hydrated while withstanding the harsher environmental exposure.
Argument Against: Go Clean Shaven

"Shave in summer all the way for me. I want to feel the sun on my face. That's why I'm going away on holiday! I also don't want to risk getting a dreaded beard tan line."
- Carl Taylor, Senior Barber
Best Tip: Commit to your decision
If you do opt to go clean shaven for summer, make sure you commit to your decision before going away so that you can soak up a decent amount of sun in an equal proportion an avoid any glaringly awkward tan lines on your face.
Separately to this, do bear in mind that keeping a beard in summer can lead to potential irritants such as trapped sweat in your moustache. The sheer heat insulation that your facial hair retains can also become particularly annoying during particularly hot days.
Our concluding advice:
If you choose to keep your beard for your travels and irritation starts to get the better of you, or you simply fancy a change once you get back, avoid shaving it off immediately post-holiday at all costs. The beard tan line, just as
Mr Taylor fears, is a feature no man should have to succumb to sporting. Nobody wants to be the guy looking miserable in all of those lovely group photos you're supposed to cherish.
Our barbers are ready as ever - scissors, clippers and razors in-hand to provide that impeccably groomed edge that will see you looking your sharpest for summer.